Friday, May 6, 2011


It is soooo easy to say later! The time for a new post has come. Since completing my reflexology course, it has been easy to be lazy and enjoy some free time in between foot appointments! My hands have been busy meeting and greeting new pairs of feet. I have enjoyed each and every pair. It has been very interesting journey. Every pair of feet brings its own aches and pains. I love the feeling of being able to help my clients. So far every client I have worked with, even if there is a little discomfort at the time, has had a positive outcome With that, it brings a smile to my face and a warmth in my heart.
Till next time.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Almost November!!

Hi everyone!  I can hardly believe that October is almost done.  The reason this worries me is because it brings me closer to another deadline.  A Christmas show on December the 4th. Yikes! I have much to do in preparation.  Information cards to make, gift certificates to make, gift boxes to make......, the list goes on.  Most important, I suppose, is to get myself ready.  A certain frame of mind is required when one is a part, rather than an customer, in a Christmas show.  A lot of people, not too much room, not enough air, everyone needs a coffee and so on.........  So amidst all this, a smile and positive attitude is a must!!!! 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Learn a little something everyday

A Saturday spent learning a little more than I knew yesterday.  I have been studying anatomy and physiology.  For me, this is a chore.  Don't get me wrong, I find it very interesting but my brain has a harder time soaking it all in.  I guess I will chalk it up to age!  These studies will help me to further understand the inner workings of the human body.  With that, I can be a bigger help to my reflexology clients.